Jun 18, 2021
There was a ‘full house’ of investor interest at the 3rd Dorset Business Angels (DBA) online pitch event in 2021. With some 40 attendees from across the UK & abroad and 5 pitching business, in an event first, every pitch secured investor interest from the Angels....
Apr 14, 2021
Dorset Business Angels (DBA) is to host a brand- new event with the aim of encouraging more women into Angel investing. The webinar will take place on May 18th, entitled the ‘A-Z of Angel Investing’, and will be hosted by UK Business Angels CEO Jenny Tooth OBE. Jenny...
Apr 28, 2020
The inaugural Dorset Business Angels (DBA) Virtual Entrepreneurs’ Pitch event took place on Monday 27th April and has been hailed a huge success, by attracting an immediate investment for one Company and the prospect of investment for 3 others from 6 potential...
Mar 24, 2020
Dorset Business Angels (DBA) April pitch event has been relaunched as a virtual pitch platform which will enable 5 businesses the opportunity to continue to seek investment from the business angels. DBA Chairman Don McQueen said, “Despite the current Coronavirus...
Feb 14, 2020
A Bournemouth based business, whose marine navigation platform’s proud boast is that its innovative product is the ‘google maps for sailors’, has grabbed investor attention in their pitch to Dorset Business Angels (DBA), in a Dragon’s Den type pitch. The founder of...