Dozens of youngsters across Dorset received a surprise visit over the weekend from their favourite characters from the Walt Disney film, Frozen. Popular characters from the animated feature film, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s 1844 fairy tale “The Snow...
Oritsé Williams of JLS pop band fame has delivered a special video message to Young Carers at an event which is claiming to be the biggest ever young carers Christmas party in the UK. The inaugural event was attended by over 150 young carers from across Dorset and...
MYTIME Young Carers Charity has won the Stephen Lloyd Award, a highly prestigious charity award which is coordinated and funded by the Bates Well Foundation. The award has been granted in support and recognition of MYTIME’s School Support Programme, which seeks to...
Ellie Talebian, Head of Communications at MYTIME Young Carers’ Charity has received a prestigious award in the Social CEOs Awards and has been named ‘Best digital champion.’ The Awards recognise leaders and their commitment and talent to digital excellence in the...
The Dorset Golf & Country Club Captains have chosen MYTIME Young Carers as their charity of the year. John Ahern is the newly appointed Club Captain, Sarah Jenkins the new Lady Captain and Andy Greene the new Seniors’ Captain. The MYTIME team were warmly...