Oct 12, 2020
Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is delighted to announce the appointment of two new Patrons, Sir Simon and Lady Jill Campbell, who have been supporting the charity since March 2019. Living in the Poole area and sharing an interest in the work of local charities, Sir Simon...
Oct 5, 2020
Lewis-Manning Hospice Care in Poole is launching ‘Time to Remember’, a way to let the community celebrate love, life and special people. This initiative is to raise vital funds for the important Family Support & Bereavement Service. CEO Clare Gallie says, “We are...
Oct 1, 2020
Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is asking for supporters to ‘Go Yellow’ in October as part of Hospice Care Week, 5th – 11th October, to raise money to support their vital work. Fundraising Director Tom Goodinge said, “We need your help to ensure that Lewis-Manning Hospice...
Aug 17, 2020
Double H Nurseries in New Milton has handed over 40 orchids and pots to Lewis-Manning Hospice Care in Poole. The hospice’s new building is full of bright and vibrant colours and the addition of orchids compliments its homely interior design. Commercial Manager, Gary...
Jul 29, 2020
Lewis-Manning Hospice Care’s latest charity shop opened its doors for the first time in Christchurch on 28th July. The shop is located at 42 – 44 High Street in the town. The store will initially be open from 10-3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and...