Computers donated to MYTime Young Carers charity

Jul 27, 2020

MYTime Young Carers’ Charity has received 3 computers, donated by the organisation Computers4Charity. 

Development Manager, Penny Day advised, “We are thrilled to have received this generous donation of 3 laptop computers.  We made a request to Computers4Charity after being contacted by the Dorset Young Carers Team at Dorset Council. They informed us of some young carers who had been struggling to access our popular MYTime@Home programme and online Youth Group as they did not have access to a computer.  This had also impacted directly on their ability to engage with their school online learning programme. 

“We know that having these computers will make an immediate, positive difference to their lives and education. It’s incredibly satisfying to be able to support these young people in this way.” 

George Cook, Honorary CEO of Computers4Charity said, “We love what MYTime does, providing young carers with the support, friendship, respite, retreats and opportunities. What a fabulous charity, and one we are delighted to donate three laptops to for their use. Everyone should be encouraged to dig deep and support such an important cause. 

“Computers4Charity prides itself on the diverse mix of charities that it supports, in multiple sectors. Safety and security of our donations is paramount and all computer items are 100% tracked and traced, data wiped, safety tested, environmentally compliant and software licence legal.

“As an organisation we are always seeking further donations of unwanted computers, saving them from being scrapped or dumped.  As many as practicable are supplied on to schools in developing countries via other UK charities, or more recently to unemployed veterans, hospices and nominated volunteers in the UK.  Donations of PC’s, laptops and tablets allow us to continue to support numerous charities across the world.”

About MYTime Young Carers

 MYTime exists to provide young carers of ages 5-25 with the support, opportunities and friendship that every young person deserves. In the UK, there are an estimated 800,000 young carers, yet only 166,000 are registered as such. This means that the vast majority are facing the challenges of caring for a vulnerable relative without any support from schools or local authorities. It also means that the scale and nature of the challenges young carers face are vastly overlooked, though the reality is that young carers are disadvantaged at every stage of life. It is our aim to help young carers overcome these disadvantages, and to foster a culture which is more aware, inclusive and supportive of young carers.   ​